Testimony in Opposition
LD 60, An Act to Allow Senior Hunters to Shoot Antlerless Deer
Before the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Presented by David Trahan, Executive Director, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine
February 7, 2017
Senator Cyrway, Representative Duchesne, distinguished members of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee, my name is David Trahan and I am representing the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine testifying in opposition to LD 60, An Act to Allow Senior Hunters to Shoot Antlerless Deer.
Our organization tries to support the fair and responsible management of natural resources. We are growing concerned that the doe permit system is being piecemealed to the point where the average hunter has significantly less access to harvest white tailed deer than other user groups, like landowners, youth, veterans, etc. Doe permits are a management tool, not a resource to be manipulated in the political process. For that reason we oppose LD 60.