Testimony Neither for Nor Against LD 187

Testimony Neither for Nor Against

LD 187, Resolve, To Establish a Commission To Simplify Maine’s Fishing Rules

Before the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Presented by David Trahan, Executive Director, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine

February 14, 2017

Senator Cyrway, Representative Duchesne, distinguished members of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee, my name is David Trahan and I am representing the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine testifying neither for nor against LD 187, Resolve, To Establish a Commission To Simplify Maine’s Fishing Rules

The Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine supports the simplification of Maine’s fishing rules.   The fishing rule book has been complicated and confusing for many years and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has begun the process of simplifying the book which is much different than simplifying rules.  

I caution the committee that attacking rules, through a separate newly established committee, is dangerous territory as each rule has been established for a purpose and when changed or repealed can trigger political backlash.  

We commend the sponsor of the bill and the person who brought it forward as this is an important issue to our membership and the general fishing public. The only reason we are testifying neither for nor against, instead of in favor, is because we want the committee to understand that the rules in place were established by previous legislative authority and we feel any changes in the rules should be clearly understood by the entire IFW Committee.

We do appreciate the work that the Department has done to improve the rule book and understand their undertaking simplification of the rules and encourage the committee to work with the Department on a process going forward that dovetails with their efforts.