Testimony in Opposition to LD 342

Testimony in Opposition

LD 342, An Act to Require the Use of Personal Flotation Devices in Canoes

Before the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Presented by David Trahan, Executive Director, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine

February 28, 2017

Senator Cyrway, Representative Duchesne, distinguished members of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee, my name is David Trahan and I am representing the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine testifying in opposition to LD 342, An Act to Require the Use of Personal Flotation Devices in Canoes.

Although boating safety is always a priority, we believe existing law requiring certified PFD’s for all canoe passengers is already law, forcing each person to wear them is not appropriate.  If this committee feels a need to strengthen the law or take an action, a better solution might be to propose a statewide education campaign that includes areas like overall boating safety. 

If access to a flotation device is the purpose behind LD 342 a better approach might be to reach out to manufacturers and inquire about the potential to produce PFD’s with a parachute cord style attachment that would allow the canoeist to attach a cord to themselves and the PFD.  If such a device was used and a canoe capsized the PFD would be attached to the individual and would be readily accessible.  When in a canoe I choose to wear my flotation device, but, on the rare occasion I don’t, I sit on my PFD.  If such an attachment came with the PFD and I had the lifeline option, I know I would use it.